我的加密货币要纳税吗?? 聪明交易的9个技巧

Bitcoin logo with trading chart - cryptocurrency tax

Cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular. 它们被用作货币的一种替代形式,也被用作投资未来的一种方式. 然而,有很多人不确定他们的加密货币交易是否应纳税.

If you are thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies, then you should know that you could potenti所有y owe tax on your gains. 在本文中, we will discuss the basics of cryptocurrency taxation, and give you some tips on how to be smart with your cryptocurrency trading.

1. Understand the Basics on Current IRS Guidance

为什么在国会没有通过任何新的税法的情况下,美国国税局立即认为加密货币应纳税? Because the tax code defines gross income by exclusion, meaning that 总收入为 所有 来自任何来源的收入.

The definition of “income” based on longstanding case law is:

  1. 不可否认的财富增加;
  2. that is clearly realized by an objective identifiable event; and
  3. 纳税人有控制权.

因此, definition of income and 总收入为 intention所有y broad 和overinclusive. And without Congress passing a law that specific所有y excludes taxation on gross income, the income is taxable under the Internal Revenue Code.

So, for example, what happens if you find a bag of money on the street? 应纳税的. 为什么? Because there is no code section excluding it from gross income. 这同样适用于加密货币——尽管在它出现之前,国会从未考虑过它, 它立即被征税,因为在税法中没有排除税收.

Even though it was immediately clear that cryptocurrency was taxable income, the 由于缺乏国会和国税局的指导,纳税人不知道该如何报告 关于他们的纳税申报单.

Some of the early IRS guidance provided the 美国国税局对加密货币征税的基础知识:

  • For federal income tax purposes, it is considered property, 不 currency
  • Investment gains and losses are treated similarly to securities trading
  • It is subject to similar reporting requirements already existing for cash payments, such as issuing 1099s when using cryptocurrency to pay for goods or services
  • 是资本还是普通损益,取决于纳税人手中是否属于资本资产
  • 当作为服务付款或作为活跃贸易或业务的一部分收到加密货币时,可能会作为普通收入征税

如果你想更深入地了解上面提到的税法和相关判例法, 然后再看看 IRC第61条 for the definition of gross income, Commissioner v. 格伦肖玻璃有限公司 348 U.S. 426 (1955)的收入定义,以及 2014-21年度IRS公告 查看加密货币常见问题.

2. Understand and Defer Gain Triggering Events

出售虚拟货币换取现金并不是导致应税事件的唯一一种处置方式. 事实上,实际上 任何加密货币的处置都将导致被视为销售,被视为应税事件. Exchange for “other property” is considered an 交换 that generates a gain or loss. 此时此刻, if the FMV of the cryptocurrency exceeds the basis, then the taxpayer has a taxable gain; if the basis exceeds the FMV, 那么纳税人就有损失了.

交换其他财产还包括使用数字资产购买商品或服务. 例如, if you bought the cryptocurrency for $100 and then, 当它值1000美元的时候, you use it to purchase a $1000 piece of equipment, 然后你有900美元的应税收益.

This is the most basic taxation behind cryptocurrency that is undisputed, 但复杂性出现在:

  1. determining the character (capital or ordinary) of the gain;
  2. tracking the basis since usu所有y 纳税人 do 不 gener所有y purchase or 出售 所有 their cryptocurrency at one time like in the previous example; and
  3. keeping up with substantial and often unclear reporting requirements.

3. 避免资本损失和清洗销售

的特性 cryptocurrency gains or losses can be either capital or ordinary.

  • 如果你输了, 然后你希望它被认为是普通的,因为与资本损失相比,全额损失是可以扣除的,资本损失只有3美元,每年净损失限额为1万美元.
  • 如果你有一个增益那么你希望它被视为资本,如果持有一年以上,可以享受优惠税率.

因为性质是在收购时确定的,通常不会改变,因为它是基于纳税人手中的购买意图, 在处置资产和产生意想不到的税收后果之前,您将需要密切关注角色.

如果加密货币是一种资本资产,那么它就会受到资本收益和损失的影响. Capital 资产, much like gross income, are defined by exclusion in the tax code. 资本资产为 库存, depreciable property used in a trade or business, 用于贸易或商业的土地, 若干无形资产, 应收账款, and a few other more specific items 不 expected to be applicable to cryptocurrency.

最简单的理解方法是 cryptocurrency is a capital asset when held as an investment in the hands of a taxpayer, and it is 不 a capital asset when acquired in an active trade or business. 例如, if you buy a cryptocurrency and hold onto it in hopes of it going up in value, 那么它就是资本资产了. 然而, 如果你正在挖掘加密货币作为一种活跃的交易或业务,或者在接受服务时获得它, then it would be characterized as ordinary.

就像证券一样, 最糟糕的税务结果之一是最终出现巨额净资本损失,因为除了3美元之外,这些损失是不可扣除的,000元/年, 因此,许多纳税人将在获得税收优惠之前将这种损失结转多年. 然而, even worse is when a sale is considered a wash sale. A wash sale is when a type of security is sold and repurchased within 30 days.

While this rule is currently limited to securities, 国会在最近的税改提案中也包括了将这一规则应用于加密资产的内容. 当纳税人在积极交易时,他们经常意外地遇到清洗销售的问题,并在年底发现,单纯由于出售或处置的时机,所发生的损失不能抵扣.

4. Minimize Ordinary Income from Mining or Receipt of Crypto for 服务

The IRS has provided guidance that states that a mining operation is a trade or business unless undertaken as an employee. 这意味着 income is 不 only subject to ordinary income 但 also subject to self-employment tax.

幸运的是, 这也通常意味着,只要企业是为了盈利,企业的费用就可以被视为企业扣除. 妥善记录和核算与采矿有关的业务费用将减少普通收入和自营职业税.

Mining often has substantial energy costs associated with it, 尤其是比特币交易, 所以全球官网电子游戏建议 保留记录,显示直接归因于采矿业务的电力成本,这样你就可以尽量减少你的纳税义务. Even when your ordinary income tax rate is only in the 20% tax bracket, 自雇税15.3%的税率让许多企业主看到他们的纳税申报单时感到惊讶,因为他们剩下的实际税率是35%, which is a rate that is usu所有y expected only for the highest of earners.

In cases where 纳税人 engage in crypto 交换s for services, a similar tax result occurs – it is considered ordinary income. If the services you are performing are as an employee, then it should be wages issued on a Form W-2 with social security taxes withheld, and if it is as an independent contractor then it is subject to the full 15.3% self-employment tax on the year-end tax return. 作为普通收入征税的加密货币金额是支付之日的公平市场价值.

5. Choose the Most Tax Advantageous Method for Gain Calculations

Since cryptocurrency is considered property for federal income tax purposes, 您出售的每个单独的加密货币项目都被认为有自己的成本基础. The problem with cryptocurrency versus other types of property, 比如房地产, is that the purchase price is very difficult to track individu所有y, 尤其是当你在积极交易的时候.

Since the industry is also mostly unregulated, 交易平台通常不提供有助于追踪的税务文件. 正因为如此, combined with unclear and changing regulations from Congress and the IRS, 纳税人, 纳税申报表编制人员在年底时难以正确报告加密货币活动.

计算应税收益有几种方法,你应该根据你的情况选择最有利的一种. 一旦你选择了一种方法, 除非您提交表格正式更改,否则您将保持相同的会计方法.

  • 具体鉴定方法正如它听起来的那样——具体地确定每一件正在出售的物品,以确定应纳税收益的成本基础. This method requires keeping detailed records, including the date and time the units were acquired, the basis and FMV of the unit at acquisition, 处置的日期和时间, 以及处置时的FMV.
  • 后进先出法(后进先出): This method assumes the cryptocurrency sold is from the coins most recently purchased. Those prices may be closer in cost to the sales price and can create a favorable result. 这种方法需要与具体的识别方法同样详细的记录保存, which can prevent some 纳税人 from using it.
  • 最高进先出(HIFO): This method 出售s the coins with the highest cost basis first. It may likely result in a lower taxable gain. 该方法还需要与具体识别方法相同的详细记录保存.
  • 先进先出法(FIFO):如果您没有足够的信息来进行特定的识别,这是默认的方法, 后进先出, 或HIFO. 该方法假设当您出售某种加密货币时,您正在出售第一次购买. 如果加密货币随着时间的推移而增加,这种方法通常对纳税人不利, 就像股票的长期走势一样. If the cryptocurrency you purchased earlier is lower than the ones purchased later, then your taxable gain will be higher upon sale since the cost basis will be lower.

To choose the most tax advantageous method for taxable gain, 你需要做详细的记录, 所以你和你的报税员在进行税务计划和准备报税时处于有利地位.

6. Minimize Tax Liability by Keeping Detailed Records in Real Time

提示五, 全球官网电子游戏只是简要介绍了为什么保留详细记录以尽量减少自己的加密税对您至关重要, 但 thorough recordkeeping 不 only helps you utilize the best accounting method possible, it also gives you the support needed to prove any basis at 所有 in an IRS audit.

Even with increasing regulation over time, 加密货币交易所没有与证券交易所相同的成本基础详细信息. 结果是, while 1099-B forms can usu所有y be relied upon by 纳税人 for accuracy, 1099-B forms for cryptocurrency usu所有y have an incorrect or incomplete cost basis, and this is 不 expected to be improved anytime soon. 在国税局的审计中, the burden is on the taxpayer to prove the cost basis, 否则, agents usu所有y assume it is the least favorable option, 哪个基础是0.

重要的是不仅要保持准确的记录,而且要保持实时的有组织的记录. Most IRS agents are unfamiliar with cryptocurrency, 这意味着,如果你的记录不容易理解,他们通常不会花额外的精力去理解你的记录. 除了, 国税局和法院对事件发生时的记录比对审计时的记录重视得多. This means that even if you are able to compile your records after the fact, they are usu所有y provided less credibility when considered during your IRS audit.

7. Be Proactive with Reporting to Minimize Risk of Potential Penalties


国税局的纳税申报表显示了这一点 cryptocurrency is now becoming a priority of the IRS. 2019年联邦个人所得税申报表是美国国税局首次明确询问纳税人是否从事加密货币交易的纳税申报表. 附表1, the 2019 tax return asked “At any time during 2019, 你收到了吗?, 出售, 发送, 交换, or 否则 acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency.” In 2020, the IRS moved this question to page 1 of the tax return, 显示出更高的优先级. The IRS is now asking about cryptocurrency before they even ask about your dependents.

Even if you do 不 have a taxable event from cryptocurrency in a tax year, 如果你在相应的纳税年度有任何类型的活动或参与加密货币,你想保持保守的态度,并回答“是”. 这个问题之所以重要, even if you do 不 have taxable income in that year, is that this question can be used to show willful (vs. non-willful) behavior for any future noncompliance. If you check “no” in a year when you traded cryptocurrency, the IRS has a much clearer argument to say that you were intention所有y noncompliant, 这将导致更严厉的处罚,并可能增加美国国税局可以查阅和审计的过去纳税申报单的数量.

Even though Uncle Sam is just getting a handle on cryptocurrency compliance, 全球官网电子游戏很熟悉国税局是如何使用这些“是”“否”的复选框问题的,因为这就是他们对外国合规所做的. 附表B上的那个小复选框, 询问外国银行账户, 给试图证明外国账户非故意违规的纳税人带来了毁灭性的后果吗. Since your income tax return is signed under penalties of perjury, 它的所有陈述通常为税务法庭案件提供强有力的证据,对税务编制人的依赖通常没有什么分量.

All of the usual penalties apply to noncompliance for cryptocurrency, including the substantial understatement penalty, 过失处罚, 逾期付款罚款, 和兴趣, 在更严重的情况下, civil or criminal prosecution or fraud penalties. 由于加密货币可以在国外的银行账户中托管,因此也有可能受到外国的处罚.

8. Avoid Gray Areas in the Tax Law That May Result in Retroactive Noncompliance Penalties

Even if you’re compliant based on current guidance, there is always the potential for new guidance to be released that is considered retroactive. 这通常发生在合规的灰色地带稍后被澄清的情况下, 而不是新的法律.

没有明确指导的领域之一是某些类型的加密货币活动的确切外国报告要求. We recommend always staying conservative on compliance, especi所有y since it should 不 result in additional tax, and if the forms are later determined to 不 be needed, 那么把它们归档就没什么坏处了. 然而, if they are later determined to be necessary, you may be left in a situation where you’re trying to get penalties abated by the IRS.

9. Stay Up to Date on Tax Reform and Current IRS Guidance for Cryptocurrency

如果你认为自己是一个加密货币交易者或想开始交易加密货币,它是 important to stay up to date with current IRS guidance and potential tax implications. 如果你有任何问题, 咨询有经验的注册会计师或有资格的专业人士是很重要的,他们了解最新的税收立法和申报要求. 他们将提供信息和收集所需的信息,以报告您在一年内的交易活动. 这将使您的税务专业人员做出任何必要的调整,以保持您的合规,并避免在纳税季节出现任何压力的税务问题.

Consult with an Experienced Tax Professional

在DiLucci, 全球官网电子游戏经验丰富的税务专业团队可以帮助您满足您的个人或企业税务需求, including assistance with cryptocurrency and digital currency trading.


一如既往,全球官网电子游戏愿意提供帮助. 点击这里预约咨询 with our office and we’ll follow up with you promptly.

1 thought on “我的加密货币要纳税吗?? 聪明交易的9个技巧

  1. 广播: 10 Tips to Reduce Your Chance of Tax Audit in 2021 - DiLucci Inc. -簿记、IRS决议; & 德克萨斯州达拉斯市的税务服务
